Glen Innes Spring Show Jump
Glen Innes Spring Show Jump PLEASE READ ALL OF THE FOLLOWING EVENT INFORMATION. Glen Innes Show Ground Torrington St Glen Innes NSW 2370 Saturday 30th September – Monday 2nd October 2023 Entries open Monday 11th September at 7:00pm Entries close Wednesday 27th at 10:00pm
Contact Details Event Co-Ordinator Charles Kiehne - 0437557980
Entries / Stabling Jacki Kiehne – 0427 538 297
General Conditions
ENTRIES Entries are accepted through Global Entries Online or once the event has started at the show secretary’s office if spots are still available. All entries must be paid in full when entering, including a $20 First Aid levy per rider. Horses competing may only enter in 2 consecutive height classes per day. All riders and owners must be financial members of EA. All horses competing in the official classes (1.05cm and above) must hold a current EA registration and performance card. Riders may be required to present horse registration/performance cards upon request. For all unofficial classes, horses must have a minimum of a Base Horse Registration and riders need to have at a minimum an EA PARTICIPANT membership. All EA registration details must be provided via Global Entries Online at the time of entry submission –entries will not be accepted without this information at the time of entry. The Committee reserves the right to refuse entry to any rider from competing if their horse is displaying stress related symptoms at any stage (entry fee will be fully refunded in this instance). A horse can only enter a class once. Horses entering in the Junior Grand Prix are only eligible to enter 2 events on that day. |
Thoroughbred Sport Horse Association (THSA) classes:
All horses entering the thoroughbred classes must have a TSHA licence. TSHA licences can be purchased on Global Entries online. Log in to Global Entries and go to “manage horses” to fill in all details and pay for licence. If you need help, please contact
HORS CONCOURS HC entries will only be accepted at the discretion of the Committee. Any HC start will render that horse non-competitive for that day across both rings. Junior Definition A junior is defined as, ‘in the calendar year in which they turn 12, until the calendar year in which they turn 18’.
Live Editing Any changes after the close of entries will incur a $5:00 administration fee if changes are to be made at the office. Preferably all changes can be completed online via live editing no later than 5:00pm the day prior to the class in question. The ONLY exception will be if a horse/rider combination are required to change due to safety reasons experienced in a class after the 5:00pm deadline. In this case, the office will accept a change for that HORSE/RIDER ONLY. Committee reserves the right to change the program at any time. Only riders competing in the current competition may use the practise area. Riders are not permitted to return to the practice jumps immediately after they have completed their round. A rider may of course warm up at the practice fence for subsequent rounds immediately prior to having their round. Only 5 riders will be allowed in the practice area at any one time. A flat work area will be provided separate to the jumping warm up arenas. A horse/rider combination may enter only one class in concurrent classes (ie. a combination may enter class 7a but, only on a different horse may the same rider enter class 7b). REFUNDS/SCRATCHINGS
Direct contact with Jacki Kiehne on 0427 538 297 or IF YOU DELETE YOUR OWN ENTRIES, WE ARE UNABLE TO TRACK. WE MUST BE INFORMED! We need to know so we can do your refund. The organising committee reserves the right to refuse refunds. EVENT ORGANISATION / RULES All prize presentations will be mounted. All horses and riders entering must hold current registration and showjumping grading cards/Base Horse Registration from EA. All EA registration details must be provided via Global Entries Online at the time of entry submission - entries will not be accepted without this information at the time of entry. The event will be run under FEI/EA rules. The organising Committee reserves the right, at their absolute discretion, to accept or refuse any entry. The organising Committee reserves the right at their absolute discretion to alter or amend any of the conditions, regulations, prize money, class size, or any aspect of the event as they see fit. WAIVERS Riders and/or guardians MUST sign an Indemnity form and Horse Health Declaration form prior to competing at the Show Secretary’s Office. They will be issued with a wrist band will be issued on completion of the forms and will need to be worn for the duration of the competition. A Property Identification Code (PIC number) is also essential. This will be part of the paperwork which needs to be completed. All owners and competitors will be personally responsible for damages to any third parties caused by themselves, their agents or their horses. Judge’s decision is final. DRAWS Draws for all competitors will be made and will be able to be viewed on Global Entries or with the marshaller. Ring 1 will run strictly to order. Ring 2 will be slightly variable but will run to draw order where possible. Therefore, if you are not competing in Ring 1 you MUST be available to do your round. Ring 1 will take priority.
ATTIRE Formal dress rules apply however, there will be some flexibility as determined by the Judge and organising Committee based on the weather conditions at the time. Any person mounted upon a horse must be wearing a properly secured helmet which must comply with Australian or European helmet standards and have appropriate footwear. CAMPING & STABLING The Committee has charged all competitors a camping fee of $20 for the entire event but it is not our intention to charge fees unfairly. If a competitor is not camping at the ground the competitor may request for this fee to be refunded. Refunds are payable at Secretary's Office during the event. Stables: $30 per horse for entire event. - The Glen Innes Show Ground has approximately 200 stables available. The Committee believe these are reasonable show stables and are suitable for short term stabling. - Competitors wishing to bring their own portable yards ($5) this is acceptable. - Stallion Stables are available, competitors can book stallion stalls but due to limited numbers allocation is at the discretion of the Committee. These are at a fee of $80 for entire event. There are now 27 new stables constructed. These will be available at $100 for the entire event. Some yards will also be available, but direct contact will be needed. $10 for the event. For more information related to stabling contact Jacki Kiehne on 0427538297. CATERING / ENTERTAINMENT Gold coin sausage sizzle Friday night. A full canteen and bar are available plus a 2-course dinner Saturday night. Expression of interest is through Global entries, at the office or contact Jacki Kiehne on 0427 538 297. Sunday night – pizza will be available by preordering at the canteen. |